
Insulated Truck Mounted Bucket

Insulated Aerial Platforms

Pakistan’s Material Handling industry has been continuously upgrading. JIC being the first manufacturer of Aerial Platforms and other material Handling Machines in Pakistan is leading the industry ever since.

WAPDA / DISCO’s came across the issues of Line Maintenance and Tree pruning towards the Electricity Lines. JIC Developed and Manufactured Pakistan’s First ever Insulated Bucket Mounted Utility Truck which is compliant to WAPDA Standard DDS 11:83.

Insulated Truck Mounted Bucket

These Insulated Truck Mounted Buckets often called Aerial Platform are 45 Feet Working Height with 04 Hydraulic Outriggers are working in LESCO, GEPCO and PESCO (Under US-AID project). Called insulated because these Utility Trucks are meant to work under Power Lines of DISCO’s. These Utility Trucks are equipped with Hydraulic Chain saw Tree trimmer which meets OSHA 1910.269 and offer branch cutting up to 13 inch in Diameter.

The Utility Bucket Truck has dual Control station and can operate from Base as well as from Platform.

JIC is now heading a step further and developing Insulated Bucket mounted Utility Truck Complaint to ANSI A92.2 Category “C”

JIC aims clearly to manufacture quality products and Pakistan is capable to Produce and manufacute wide range of Truck Superstructes.